

Extension for Autodesk® Revit®

With reviTTools you can expand the brilliant functionality of Autodesk® Revit®, Revit® Architecture, Revit® Structure and Revit® MEP. These new capabilities are extending the integrated BIM philosophy, they will speed up your daily tedious tasks and will allow you to have less errors.


reviTTools Ribbon (v2013)


reviTTools Toolbar (v2009)


Schedule and tag real from room / to room properties of doors
With reviTTools you can easily read the real from room and to room properties of doors and automatically update your door schedules and door tags with these values. In the door schedules you can list and group your doors even by room category.

These values are always correct, even when doors are flipped, mirrored...

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Schedule and tag real door swing property
With reviTTools you can simply read the real door swing property and automatically update your door schedules and door tags with door swing property like "Left opening", "Right opening".

These values are always correct, even when doors are flipped, mirrored...

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Count elements
With reviTTools you can easy count selected/all elements and summarize areas for walls, rooms, floors and roofs.

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Manage imported and linked CAD files
With reviTTools you can easy manage (delete) imported and linked CAD files like DXF, DWG, DGN, SAT and SKP.

It makes easy deleting any imported CAD files, similar to the built-in linked one.

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NEW! Update Sheet properties
With reviTTools you can simply rename views and sheets based on pre-defined parameters.

And you can schedule current revision information of sheets even in Drawing Lists.

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NEW! One-click customized DWG export
With reviTTools you can simply export all views and/or sheets as DWG. It enables you creating all of the required DWG files with one single click, automatically with right naming & right settings.

You can use your own file naming structure based on any existing parameters and you can predefine all of the known export options.

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One-click direct export to Excel
With reviTTools you can export room, door and area information with one single click to Microsoft Excel. Particular csv export and conversation are not required. In Excel all values are formatted correctly.

Even if new parameters are added, in Excel all values will be automatically correct formatted.

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NEW! One-click direct room/area import from Excel
With reviTTools you can import any room and area information with one single click from Excel.

You can import string, integer and double types. Length and Area values are converted to your project unit standards, showing m² or ft² values.

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NEW! Renumber doors, windows and rooms
With reviTTools you can simply renumber doors, windows and rooms.

After adding new elements or deleting existing one, you can simple renumber all the remaining with reviTTools. You can renumber all or only selected elements.

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Transfer any room parameters to belongings door
With reviTTools you can easy transfer any room parameters to belongings door.

You can transfer more room parameters to the same door parameter with different prefix and suffix.

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NEWS - 14.5.2012
-Various minor fixes

NEWS - 1.5.2012
-reviTTools 2013 compatibility update


We successfully closed the beta phase of reviTTools 2013. BTW this is our sixth development year. With the current 6.x version reviTTools continues to be a stable and robust application, confirmed by customers from around the globe. If you appreciate, please contact us in order to get an unlimited key.


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